Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

All about registering as a donor and saving Vivian:

How do they find a match for Vivian?

Just a cheek swab! It’s all through genetic type matching using a cheek swab sample.

There’s a lot of science behind matching donors and patients, but the key component is HLA, human leukocyte antigens. These are proteins found on cells in your body. Once we receive your cheek swabs, we test your DNA for these markers and add your genetic type, or HLA, to our database. Doctors search that database to find the best HLA matches for their patients. Doctors may also look at other donor criteria such as age, sex and past infections.

How do you become a donor?

It’s easy!

  • Go to NMDP or text teamvivianpa to 61474, and register online to join the donor registry.

  • Once registered, NMDP will send you a free, at-home swab kit in the mail.

  • When you receive the kit, swab your cheek and then send the kit back.

  • Once you’ve returned your swab kit, it’ll take 6 to 8 weeks to be added to the registry. After that, you could be called for a patient anytime.

Don’t forget to keep your contact information up to date so the registry can find you quickly if you’re a possible blood stem cell donor match!

Who can donate?

While there are no weight requirements and no restrictions based on tattoos, piercings, travel, or sexual orientation, there are a few restrictions. To donate you must be:

  • Between 18 - 40 years old, East Asian will be a better match for Vivian

  • You can use NMDP if you live in the US; if you live elsewhere, please contact

  • Do not have: HIV, Hepatitis, major heart conditions, cancer, diabetes requiring insulin, autoimmune disorders. More specifics here: medical guidelines

Why does age matter?

Research has shown that cells from younger donors lead to better long-term survival rates for patients.

  • Reproduction of cells slows down as we age. We want to give patients the best fighting chance we possible can

  • We are not discriminating, rather building a safe registry for searching patients

  • Young adult donors have the healthiest, most robust blood stem cells, which produce the best results for patients.

How much does it cost to donate?

It’s 100% free!

If you’re a match, Be The Match pays for ALL donation-related costs, including:

  • Travel

  • Medical

  • Lost wages

  • Personal expenses, such as childcare, pet care, etc.

How does a blood stem cell donation work?

For the donor, it’s similar to donating blood. The blood goes through a machine that filters out stem cells and returns the remaining blood to the donor.

In very rare occasions (determined by the doctor), will the blood stem cells be collected from the bone marrow. It is performed while you are under general anesthesia so there’s no pain and it’s considered an out-patient procedure.

What if I don’t meet the donor requirements (e.g. not within the age range)?

Ready to register and save a life?

Join us in the battle against leukemia! You could be Vivian’s - or another patient’s - only only hope for a cure.